Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fall Decor

I'm not one for putting a lot of effort into decorating, but this year fall has gotten the best of me!

Candle Holder (for my favorite Yankee: Harvest!)

And a cute banner to hang above my sink with some dried flowers :)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sweet Potato & Black Bean Burritos

I think my last post was about "the most delicious idea ever" ... this one beats it. Whatever it was. Maybe pizza burritos? Maybe I need a burrito blog. Tortillas are just so much delicious.

Anyway, this recipe is modified slightly from this Tasty Kitchen post. It's a quick throw together as we get into that spring and summertime sort of busy and perfect for a cool evening.

1 large sweet potato, cubed to 1/2"
1 jalapeno, diced
1/2 red pepper, diced
1/4 - 1/2 c red onion, diced (so many people LOVE or HATE onion, so it's up to you. I used about 1/4c)
1-2 teaspoons olive oil
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
salt and pepper to taste
1 15oz can black beans, rinsed and drained
1/3 c chopped kale
1/3 c chopped spinach
juice from one lime

Toss veggies with oil and spices & roast in oven at 425 degrees for 20 minutes, stirring halfway.

Remove and let cool slightly.

Stir in black beans, juice and greens.

Layer on tortilla with your choice of toppings (salsa, sour cream, cheese, etc) (I recommend Monterrey Jack cheese!).

That's it! We used smaller tortillas and had enough for about 6 servings.

It warms up well with an egg for breakfast the next morning as well.

What's your favorite non-standard burrito recipe?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


No really. 

I'm not going to go into too much detail (because that's just me.)

This was a great dish to throw together and take to the office to feed the Mr while he worked late. 

1 3/4 c water
1 c (dry) Basamati Rice
15 oz Tomato Sauce
1/2 lb Italian Sausage
black pepper
Italian seasoning

Cook Basamati Rice until almost done, according to package directions.
Simultaneously brown 1/2 lb Italian sausage in large skillet, turning off heat when done.

Mix rice and tomato sauce into skillet with browned sausage, combining well. 
Season to taste with Italian seasoning and black pepper.

Layer onto tortilla wrap with other pizza toppings of your choice.

We chose:
Pepper Jack & Cheddar cheese
baby tomatoes


Thursday, January 3, 2013

chatters with plain fingernails

the world is scaring me.

i should be loving life now and able to go do things with friends and have a job where i work what i deserve to work and earn what i deserve to earn. instead i feel like if i want to have any sort of future i need to buckle down now and scrimp on splurging and sew up the holes in our socks.

what are we going to have in the weeks and months and years to come? what will we still be free to do with ourselves? will any of this frugality be worth it? or should i dine on the best food each night and sip the finest wine and gin?

what about if we decide to reproduce? what the hell would our offspring have to endure in their life/lives? i have plans for those little things.

but i did always hear it doesn't matter what we have planned because the universe already knows.

damn universe.